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Colette and Bill McCarty friend January 10, 2011


We were so shocked and saddened to hear of your Dad's passing.  You and your family will be in our thoughts.  Take care.

Colette (Albert) McCarty 

Jim & Penny Hood Friend January 8, 2011
Bob was a wonderful person.  We will miss him greatly.  Our prayers are with you.
Brian K. Walker Family Friend January 7, 2011

I'll always remember Bob as one filled with conversation and smiles.  I am privileged to have known him most of my life and sorry we lost him this soon.  Cody and Clint, my deepest condolences to you and your families during these tough times. 

Floyd, Karen & Mishelle Michel Friends January 6, 2011

In your time of sorrow our thoughts are with you. We enjoyed the times in Canada with your family, those were very fun times to remember.

Roberta Rosario Cousin January 5, 2011
My thoughts are with you in your time of sorrow. 
Charlie O'Malley & family Mr. January 5, 2011
With deepest sympathy to the family and friends.  Bob was a good colleague and friend that will be missed.
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